
Chanania, Mishael, and Azaria

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This video is class of 17 in the series Daniel.

Rebbetzin Tzipora Heller continues teaching perek 3, and describes the steadfast refusal of Chanania, Mishael, and Azaria to bow to Nebuhadnezar’s image. They understood that any kind of submission “dwarfs” Hashem in this world. The resulting miracle opened Nevuchandetzar’s eyes to the constant control that Hashem has over the world, and he recognized that the reason Hashem gave him so much power is to make the world aware of the honor due Hashem.


Nevuchadnetzar’s Struggle Against G-d

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This video is class of 17 in the series Daniel.

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller teaches the beginning of perek 3, in which Nevuchanetzar interprets his role in history to be one in which he can use his power against Hashem, and win. He attempts to play out this struggle against G-d through building a huge golden statue of himself, and insisting that all of his subjects bow to it.

Laws of Speech

The Chillul Hashem of Lashon Hara

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This video is class of 46 in the series Chofetz Chaim Laws of Proper Speech.

In this Torah shiur (class) on Sefer Chofetz Chaim and Shmirat Halashon, Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg teaches more of the Torah prohibitions listed in the introduction to Sefer Chofetz Chaim. One who speaks lashon hara is guilty of creating a chillul Hashem (desecration of G-d’s Name). The sin of lashon hara is is intricately connected with the sins of taking revenge and bearing a grudge, as well as the sin of hating a fellow Jew.

Pshat in Rashi

Rashi’s Discussion of Nouns, Part 3

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This video is class of 15 in the series Mechanics in Meforshim.

Mrs. Yehudith Weiss continues her study of Biblical nouns, as addressed by Rashi in his commentary on the Torah. This class talks about nouns and their relationship to the words before and after them. This unique class, given in simple Hebrew, sheds light on the important but often neglected section of Rashi’s commentary – the grammatical Rashis.

Pshat in Rashi

Rashi’s Discussion of ‘Female’ Nouns

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This video is class of 15 in the series Mechanics in Meforshim.

Mrs. Yehudith Weiss continues her discussion of the topic of nouns as they are addressed in Rashi’s commentary. This class explains and cites examples of nouns that have ‘female’ conjugations. This unique class, given in simple Hebrew, sheds light on the important but often neglected section of Rashi’s commentary – the grammatical Rashis.

Laws of Speech

Causing Sin

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This video is class of 46 in the series Chofetz Chaim Laws of Proper Speech.

In this Torah shiur (class) on Sefer Chofetz Chaim and the laws of proper speech, Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg teaches three of the many transgressions one commits when speaking lashon hara. Specifically, he focuses on the danger of causing others to sin, known as ‘lifnei iver’, and the pleasure derived from speaking lashon hara.