
Perek 39: The Destruction of Jerusalem

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This video is class 20 of 21 in the series Yirmiyahu IV.

In this Torah shiur (class) on Sefer Yirmiyahu, Rabbi Avishai David teaches perek 39, which describes the conquest of Jerusalem and the exile of Tzidkiyahu and the Jewish people. Ironically, Yirmiyahu is protected by Nevuchadnetzar, while those powerful Jews who thought they would persevere are exiled.


Tzidkiyahu: King in Captivity

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This video is class 19 of 21 in the series Yirmiyahu IV.

In this Torah class (shiur) on Sefer Yirmiyahu, Rabbi Avishai David teaches perek 38. Tzidkiyahu, the righteous king of the remnant of the Jews left in Yerushalyaim, is captive to the evil courtiers surrounding him. He secretly meets with Yirmiyahu and saves Yirmiyahu from death. Ultimately, Tzidkiyahu is captured and taken to Bavel, where his eyes are blinded and his children are killed in front of him. At this painful moment, Tzidkiyahu acknowledges that he deserved this punishment, and that all of the prophesies of doom had been fulfilled.


Perek 38: Yirmiyahu in the Pit

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This video is class 18 of 21 in the series Yirmiyahu IV.

In this shiur (Torah class) on Sefer Yirmiyahu, Rabbi Avishai David teaches chapter 38. In this perek, the tension between Yirmiyahu, the noblemen, and Tzidkiyahu is apparent. The tension leads to the nobles throwing Yirmiyahu into a lime pit for his prophesies, and Tzidkiyahu removing him and meeting with him secretly.


Perek 37: Tzidkiyahu and Yehoyakim

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This video is class 17 of 21 in the series Yirmiyahu IV.

In this Torah class (shiur) on Sefer Yirmiyahu, Rabbi Avishai David compares two kings who ruled at the end of of the era of the first Beit Hamikdash, Tzidkiyahu and Yehoyakim. The Beis Halevi explains that Yehoyakim was a wicked king who lived in a generation of righteous people, while Tzidkiyahu was a righteous king who ruled in a wicked generation.


Perek 9: Changing a G-dly Decree

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This video is class 10 of 52 in the series Yechezkel.

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller teaches perek 9. This perek deals with the difference between a heavenly decree before and after it was finalized, and also shows that everything in this world comes from direct Divine planning and intervention, and not through the laws of cause and effect.


Perek 36: The Burnt Scroll

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This video is class 16 of 21 in the series Yirmiyahu IV.

In this Torah shiur (class) on Sefer Yirmiyahu, Rabbi Avishai David explains the details and nuances of perek 36. In this perek, Yirmiyahu writes a scroll describing the future destruction of the kingdom of Yehuda. Instead of responding with teshuva, the king Yehoyakim burns the scroll, and the result is disastrous for his future.


Understanding the Yetzer Hara

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This video is class 1 of 7 in the series Self Mastery: A study in Michtav Me'Eliyahu.

In this shiur (Torah class), Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen begins learning the introduction to Michtav Me’eliyahu. This mussar work, authored by Rav Eliyahu Dessler, covers a variety of topics relating to one’s character, relationships and faith. This class focuses on understanding the nature of the yetzer hara and our struggle in this world.