Tehillim 140 – Condemnation of the Cruel Persecutor
Posted onTehillim 140 – Condemnation of the Cruel Persecutor
Tehillim 140 – Condemnation of the Cruel Persecutor
Tehillim 69 – Drowning in Diaspora
What does his grandfather making cows fat have to do with Pinchas?
Scrupulous honesty… Hashem’s primary policy.
Sources sheets:
Partnership with Hashem T&Cs.
Sources sheets:
Value of Peace
Envy , how do we deal with it? One of the most practical down to Earth classes by this speaker. Recommended by Rabanim in Ramat Bet Shemesh. Given this shabbas at Dolev 80 Kalal Yisrael Shul in person. Join scores of Women who hear this speaker on Shabbas Kodesh live in person!
Work is the choice place to grow, even for some tzaddikim.
Sources sheets:
Blue – there is more depth than meets the eye. Blue is not just blue.
What is upside down nun mean?
Ten Tests in the Desert; Ten Tests in Every Jew’s Life
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller- Gotleib discusses the Holiday of Shavuot
Daily Torah hours – getting the balance right.
Sources sheets:
Tehillim 85 – Shivat Zion – Then and Now
Tehillim 65 – In Praise of Silence
Tehillim 86 – Begging for Forgiveness
Time is… Torah.
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Listening to Hashem speaking to you… at work.
Sources sheets:
Tehillim 109 – The Curses of the Persecuted
Why is Megila Rus read on Shauvos?
The dispute between our Sages and the Tzedukim regarding the date of Shavuot.
The order of the tribes is like the order of procession of Yaakov Aivnu’s funeral. why?
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller-Gotleib discusses the holy day of Lag Baomer
what does it mean ” i will stroll with you “
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller- Gotlieb discusses from the book of Mishlei how thr Torah is our Protection
Why said to count Omer the day after Shabbas?
Bamidbar: To Count and to Be Counted
Tehillim 104 – ברכי נפשי