
Perek 17: The Two Eagles of Destruction

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This video is class 20 of 52 in the series Yechezkel.

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller teaches perek 17, which relates Hashem’s promise that he will send the two eagles of destruction, Bavel and Mitzrayim, to reduce the Jews’ status to one of a downtrodden nation, ‘Am Shfela’. Eventually Mashiach will come and return us back to our original selves.


Perek 16, Part 1: The Redeemed Maiden

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This video is class 18 of 52 in the series Yechezkel.

Rebbtzin Tziporah Heller teaches chapter 16, which portrays a detailed parable of a rejected newborn, abandoned in the field. Hashem recognizes the beauty of the Jewish people even in their infancy, and raises them up to be his chosen children. Unfortunately, the Jewish ‘maiden’ stumbles and abandons Hashem.


Perek 43: Journey to Egypt

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This video is class 3 of 16 in the series Yirmiyahu V.

In this Torah class on Sefer Yirmiyahu, Rabbi Avishai David teaches chapter 43, which describes the escape of the remaining community of Judea to Egypt, after the slaying of Gedalia ben Achikam. Yirmiyahu warns them not to take this step, and prophesies the ultimate subjugation of Mitzrayim to Nevuchadnetzar king of Bavel.