
Perek 45: More Conditions for Nevua

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This video is class of 16 in the series Yirmiyahu V.

In this Torah shiur (class) on Sefer Yirmiyahu, Rabbi Avishai David illustrates more of the conditions needed in order to receive nevua. One condition is being in Eretz Yisrael. Another is being deemed worthy. Some holy people may study to be a navi for years, but if they do not have a certain genetic predisposition, they will not merit speaking with Hashem through the medium of Nevua.


Perek 23: Assimilation of the Disloyal Wive

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This video is class of 52 in the series Yechezkel.

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller teaches the famous parable of two wayward wives, Oholiva and Ohola, and their subsequent downfall. This parable is adapted by the Kalir in the Kinnot of Tisha B’av. The rebellion of Ohola and Oholiva are a parable for the assimilation of the two kingdoms of Israel, that of the Ten tribes and that of The Kingdom of Judea

Laws of Speech

Permitted Suspicion

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This video is class of 46 in the series Chofetz Chaim Laws of Proper Speech.

In this shiur (Torah class) on the laws of Shemiras Halashon (proper speech), Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg teaches klal 6 paragraphs 7-10 of Sefer Chofetz Chaim, which go into the details of whether it is permitted to believe negative speech. One may be cautious concerning certain negative reports, although one may not fully believe them.


Perek 19: Learning from Tragic Mistakes

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This video is class of 52 in the series Yechezkel.

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller explains the two parables presented by Yechezkel in chapter 19. The parables speak of two lions who misuse their abilities and of a vine that could have been fertile but is no longer. Both meshalim (parables) refer to the end of the independent monarchy in the Land of Israel, and the reality of exile.