Three Parts of Shemoneh Esrei
Posted onIn this short Torah shiur (class), Rabbi Hershel Reichman continues his discussion on tefilla, prayer. Rabbi Reichman focuses on the three parts of the Shemoneh Esrei prayer.
In this short Torah shiur (class), Rabbi Hershel Reichman continues his discussion on tefilla, prayer. Rabbi Reichman focuses on the three parts of the Shemoneh Esrei prayer.
In this Torah shiur (class) on Sefer Yirmiyahu, Rabbi Avishai David teaches chapter 48, and explains the flaw of gaa’va, haughtiness, which was the source of Moav’s downfall.
On Parshat Chukat, Mrs. Shira Smiles examines the incident with the serpents.
In this shiur (Torah class) on Sefer Yirmiyahu, Rabbi Avishai David introduces chapter 48 with a discussion of the role of the nation of Moav in relating to Jewish history.
In this short Torah Mussar shmuz (class), Rabbi Hanoch Teller defines and decries the ‘dust’ of lashon hara, indirect negative reports about others.
In this short Torah class (shiur) about proper relations with other people, Rabbi Hanoch Teller discusses the evils of lashon hara, negative or harmful speech.
In this short shiur (Torah class) on sensitivity to others, Rabbi Hanoch Teller discusses the positive way one can use the middah (character trait) of hatred.
Mrs. Chana Prero analyzes the motivations of Korach and his congregation.
In this short Torah shiur (class) on improving one’s character, Rabbi Hanoch Teller explains the damage caused by hatred or dislike of others.
In this short shiur (Torah class), Rabbi Hershel Reichman explains the idea of how prayer is a privilege bestowed upon man.
On Parshat Korach, Mrs. Shira Smiles speaks about the punishment that Korach and his followers received.
Rabbi Moshe Nechemia Reichman analyzed the machloket between Rashi and the Rambam about one who presents false testimony about himself, ‘May’id Eidut Sheker B’Atzmo’.
In this Torah shiur (class) on shemirat halashon, Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg teaches the end of klal zayin and the beginning of klal chet in Sefer Chafetz Chaim. The class speaks about the laws of lashon hara as they relate to family members.
Mrs. Chana Prero analyzes the first words of the parsha and whether Moshe was guilty for the sin of the Spies.
In this chinuch class on inspiring our children, Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller provides parents and teachers with guidance and advice on how to teach children the value of chesed, giving to others.
On Parsha Shelach, Mrs. Shira Smiles examines Yehoshua’s name change from Hoshea and analyzes the root of the failure of the spies, giving us a greater understanding of the significance of names.
Rabbi Moshe Nechemia Reichman teaches the discussion of whether one may put on tefillin in a part of the davening that may not be interrupted, such as between Shma and the Amida.
In this chinuch class, Rebbetzin Tzipora Heller talks about combating sibling rivalry and helping children cultivate positive relationships with their brothers and sisters.
Mrs. Chana Prero analyzes the conversation between Yitro and Moshe when Moshe urges Yitro to join the Jewish Nation on their journey to the Promised Land.
On Parsha Beha’alotcha, Mrs. Shira Smiles focuses on the description of how the Jewish people camped in the desert, and on the topic of the ‘chatzotzrot’, the trumpets.
In this shiur (Torah class) on Sefer Yirmiyahu, Rabbi Avishai David teaches chapter 47, which describes the destruction of the Pelishti nation. Rabbi David discusses the origins of the Philistine nation, and explains why they deserved destruction.
In this shiur (Torah class) on the laws of proper speech, Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg teaches Sefer Chofetz Chaim klal 7, paragraphs 3-6, which contain proof that one may not repeat rumors or other lashon hara, even if two or more people say it. He also discusses whether one may talk negatively or believe negative reports about reshaim.
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses how to prepare our children for the holiday of Shavuot, and how to help them appreciate the gift of Torah.
In this short Torah shiur (class) on developing positive midot, Rabbi Hanoch Teller describes the pitfalls of allowing oneself to be jealous of others.
On Parshat Nasso, Mrs. Shira Smiles examines the significance of this Parsha always being read on the Shabbat after Shavuot.
In this Torah shiur (class) on Sefer Yirmiyahu, Rabbi Avishai David expounds on Yirmiyahu”s prophesy of desctruction for Egypt. Just as they were arrogant and boastful at the time of Yetziat Mitrayim, the redemption from Egypt, and they were destroyed, Hashem will destroy this arrogant nation again.
In this short Torah shiur (class) on mitzvot bein adam l’chaveiro, Rabbi Hanoch Teller talks about how to avoid hurting others, and developing sensitivity to their weaknesses.
In this short Torah class on proper human interaction, Rabbi Hanoch Teller talks about the damage caused when one humiliates another.
In this short Torah class on sensitivity to others, Rabbi Hanoch Teller shares tips for how to limit and control our anger.
Rabbi Moshe Nechemia Reichman discusses the definition of a mitzvat asei shehazman grama, a time-bound positive commandment.