Parshat Vayishlach

Jarring Jars

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This video is class 7 of 30 in the series Living the Parsha 5771.

On Parshat Vayishlach, Mrs. Shira Smiles speaks about the Rashi that says that Yaakov was left alone because he had returned for some forgotten pitchers. Mrs. Smiles focuses on the question of what the connection is between Yaakov going back for his pitchers, and the attack from the angel.


Ambassadors of G-d

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This video is class 6 of 27 in the series Honorable Mentchen II.

In this short Torah class on the guidelines to proper interaction with others, Rabbi Hanoch Teller explains that at every moment, every religious Jew is an ambassador of all Jews and for Torah Judaism. This knowledge must affect our behavior at all times.