Daf Yomi Berachos 2
Posted onMaseches Brachos 2
Maseches Brachos 2
In Parshas Vayigash, the emotional confrontation between
The importance of praise and thanksgiving in the celebration of Chanuka.
An in-depth exploration of the purpose and message of Yosef’s dreams in Parshat Vayeshev.
Why is a miracle witnessed by so few commemorated so publicly?
In Parshat Vayishlach, Yaakov Avinu turns down Eisav’s offer to accompany him in peace as they continue on their life’s journey. Why?
The connection between Yaakov Avinu, tefilla, and the Beit Hamikdash is explored within the context of the episode in Parshat Vayeitzei when Yaakov awakens on Har Hamoriah and calls the place ‘the House of Hashem’.
In this Torah class Rebbtzin Tziporah Heller gives an introduction to the request part of the Shemonei Esrei
Every day another chapter of Tehillim was sung by the Levi’im in the Bais Hamikdash. A look at how each chapter represents the special potential of the day. This class looks at the Song of Tuesday.
In this Torah Class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses the Sanctity Prayer
This shiur on Parshat Toldot attempts to explain the seeming contradiction between Yaakov Avinu’s essence, which was the embodiment of Truth, with his actions in taking the brachot fro Yitzchak, which seemed to be the ultimate deception.
Every day another chapter of Tehillim was sung by the Levi’im in the Bais Hamikdash. A look at how each chapter represents the special potential of the day.
In this class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses the different Brachot in Shomneh Esrei and how to keep the mind connected to Prayer
Parshat Chayei Sara begins with the sale of the Mearat Hamachpela, the Cave of Machpela, from Efron to Avraham Avinu, for the burial of his wife Sarah. An exploration of this episode.
In this class Rebbetzin Heller discusses the second prayer in Shemoneh Esrei
We compare and contrast the intention of the residents of Sodom in Parshas Vayeira to harm Lot’s visitors, with the terrible episode of Pilegesh Bigiva found in Sefer Shoftim.
In this shiur of Parshat Lech Lecha, we exploring Avraham Avinu’s impact on his many disciples.
In this class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller gives introduction the the prayer of Shmoneh Esrei
Every day another chapter of Tehillim was sung by the Levi’im in the Bais Hamikdash. A look at how each chapter represents the special potential of the day.
An exploration of the episode of Shem and Yafet’s act of respect for their father Noach after he planted a vineyard and was affected by the wine he drank, and their subsequent reward for their ‘kibud av’.
An explanation of the Midrash describing the complaint of the moon and the shrinking of its size during the world’s Creation.
An in-depth exploration of the ‘al chet’ recited during Yom Kippur, ‘b’siach siftotenu’, ‘with our endless prattling’.
Exploring the brit, the covenant, between G-d and the Jewish People, at Har Sinai and in Arvot Moav at the end of 40 years in the Desert.
Understanding the ‘Briti Shalom’, ‘Covenant of peace’, which Pinchas was blessed with as reward for his actions in ending the plague through the killing of Zimri.
Why did Bilam wish for a death like the ‘death of the upright’ while he blessed the Jewish people?
Understanding the power of the Nachash Hanechoshet, the Copper Serpent, to heal the people afflicted by plague in Parshat Chukat.
An explication of the episode of Aharon Hakohen’s staff blossoming with almond blossoms overnight after the failed rebellion of Korach.
Rebbetzin Smiles explores one of the questions that Moshe Rabbenu asked the Meraglim, the spies, about the Land of Israel: Does it have trees? What is the deeper message behind this question? What does it mean for our daily life?
The Journey from “talking bitachon” to being a Ba’al Bitachon.
Why is Aharon the Kohen Gadol praised when he did not deviate from the exact instructions for lighting the menorah daily?