Teruma: Fundamental Foundations
Posted onThe Mishkan as a manifestation of Creation.
The Mishkan as a manifestation of Creation.
Daf Yomi Berachos 52
Daf Yomi Berachos 51
Daf Yomi Berachos 50
Daf Yomi Berachos 49
Daf Yomi Berachos 48
Every day another chapter of Tehillim was sung by the Levi’im in the Bais Hamikdash. A look at how each chapter represents the special potential of the day. This class looks at the Song of Shabbos.
Daf Yomi Berachos 47
Daf Yomi Berachos 46
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses the process of discovering ourselves through prayer
Blessings on the main food item. Fruits of Israel. The blessing of shehakol and medicinal qualities of certain foods.
The Midrash explains that Moshe Rabbenu was shown a half-shekel of fire as part of the commandment for the Jewish people to be counted with the Machatzit Hashekel. This shiur on Parshat shekalim expores the deeper significance of the fiery coin.
Blessings on sweet smells
Bread that is not in the shape of bread. Wine before and after a meal.
Daf Yomi Berachos 41
Daf Yomi Berachos 40
Daf Yomi Berachos 39
Daf Yomi Berachos 38
Daf Yomi Berachos 37
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses the Request of material part of Shemoneh Esrei
Why do we recite a blessing before food? Should you learn all the time? Why does wine get a separate blessing?
Do not repeat Modim. One who prays and errs. How do you know that your request has been accepted by Hashem?
In Parshat Beshalach, in the aftermath of the Splitting of the Sea, as the Egyptians entered the Yam Suf, each on received exacting punishment for their evil deeds. An exploration of why Hashem waits before punishing people for their misdeeds, and the level of exactness in all Divine retribution.
Brachot 32
Pray Shmoneh Esreih with submission and humility. Lessons from Chana
Brachot 30
Brachot 29
Rabban Gamliel and Rabbi Yehoshua
Daf Yomi Berachos 27