The Multiple Reasons for the Happiness of Sukkot
Posted onThe many reasons that the Torah designates the joyous holiday of Sukkot as “Z’man Simchaseinu.”
The many reasons that the Torah designates the joyous holiday of Sukkot as “Z’man Simchaseinu.”
After the Month of Elul and Rosh Hashanah, why do we still need the 10 days of Repentance and Yom Kippur?
Torah purifies you to your pre gan eden state!
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses the Holiday of Sukkot in times of Covid 19
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses the Holiday of Sukkot in times of the pandemic
Continues Al Cheit Series of previous years .
Rosh Hashana without the Shofar . How does it work?
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses Covid and Rosh Rosh Hashana
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses the month of Elul
Remarkable Roots
Ki Tavo
Psalm 112 – במצוותיו חפץ מאד – The Legacy of the Righteous
Tehillim 64 – Living in Fear of Ever-Increasing Slander
Tehillim 73 – The Little Job – צדיק ורע לו – The Suffering of the Innocent
Tehillim 144 – War and Peace
Tehillim 143 – Rising Above the Pain and Anger
Tehillim 137 – On the Rivers of Babylon
Tehillim 132 – The Divine Promise to the Davidic Dynasty
Tehillim 126 – From Galut to Geula
Tehillim 122 & 125 – Memories of Jerusalem
Tehillim 121- I Lift My Eyes
Tehillim 120 & 124 – Song of Ascents
Tehillim 115 – Hallel: Praise of the Living
Tehillim 113 – יהי שם ה’ מבורך- Convocation or Evocation
Tehillim 111-112 – Twin Psalms: Two Sides of a Coin: G-d and the Tzaddik
Tehillim 108 – Awakening the Dawn: A Montage Foretelling the Future
Tehillim 107 – They Cried Out in Their Troubles – the Gratitude of the Redeemed
Tehillim 106 – A Historic Retrospective from Galut
Tehillim 105 – ושבועתו לישחק – The Exodus as a Promise to the Patriarchs
Tehillim 102 – תפילה לעני – A Nation Reborn from the Ashes