Sensitivity and Submissiveness P. Emor
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Tehillim Chapter 15: “Who May Dwell on Your Holy Mountain?” Examining the 10 stages of growth leading up to to the receiving of the Torah, and enabling us to deepen our understanding of and commitment to the 10 Commandments. Part 1
Tehillim: Man and Hi Potential. A look into chapters 78 & 24.
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller begins Perek Daled in Kohelet
Tehillim 110 – My Lord, the King
Tehillim 67 – The Menorah – A National and Universal Symbol.mp3
Tehillim 61 – Promises Made and Kept – A Prayer for an Aging King.mp3
Tazria metzora
An intriguing journey into the power of the fire which came down as the Mishkan was inaugurated in Parshat Shemini.
In this Totah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses the holiday of Pesach
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Heller discusses the Era of Mashiach and the Resurrection of the Dead
An insightful overview of the symbolism and meaning of the egg traditionally placed on the Seder plate.
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses in the book of Mishlei Wisdom and How to Attain It
What is Wisdom of the Heart
A deeper look into chapter 142: Man and his Potential, Part 3
Explanation of Shoshanas Yaakov
Why Torah say Take a donation instead of Give a donation.
3 levels for our Life.
Understanding the meaning behind the laws of separating milk and meat.
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Heller discusses the different levels of knowledge and how to apply the levels in our daily lives
A look at Chapter 126 – Redemption.
A deeper look into Chapter 137.
Tehillim 138-Chesed v’Emet
story of the Mann
How could Jews borrow things from Egypt if Jews didn’t have any thought to give the things back. Why is Egyptian called our friend?
Tehillim 141 – Between a Rock and A Hard Place – Navigating the Moral Minefield
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Heller continues discussing the Book of Mishlei
1 Faith in Hashem , He runs the show and Faith in Yourself and you can do something. Be Proud 2 Life is Tailor Made . 3 Give it all to Hashem Mesirat Nefesh . Help others. give to others. Make the World better… It takes your blood to do that . Blood is your model.