Pesach – The Significance of Leaving Egypt in a Hurry
Posted onWhy is the fact that we left Egypt in a hurry, symbolized by our eating matzah, the main aspect we focus on.
Why is the fact that we left Egypt in a hurry, symbolized by our eating matzah, the main aspect we focus on.
Limiting Self
Why do we celebrate Purim – Multiple levels
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller-Gotleib discusses the Holiday of Purim
the little alef
Understanding current events via the story of Purim.
the saga of the Mishkin continues. How do the rich give?
Parshat Ki Tisa
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller-Gotleib starts the 6th Perek of the book of Mishlei which is the start of the practicality what the book was discussing till now
Why is Moshe Rabeinu ‘s name left out?
In this Torah class RebbetzinTziporah Heller-Gotleib continues discussing Sefer Mishlei in the 5th Perek
Housing Holiness
What the division of the Torah into Five Books
reveals to us about the way Hashem leads the world,
the Jewish Nation and our own life journey.
Part 4: Sforno’s Preface to Bereishis
Ear and Eerie
What the division of the Torah into Five Books reveals to us about the way Hashem leads the world, the Jewish nation and our own life journey and their meaning for us today. Part 3
430 years or 400 years
What the division of the Torah into Five Books reveals to us about the way Hashem leads the world, the Jewish nation and our own life journey and their meaning for us today.
Part 2: Covenants in the Book of Bereishis
The Name Ekeh? “i will be”
What does this name mean – Hashem talks to Moshe Rabeinu at the Burning Bush
Yaakov Avinu message about bringing the Redemption closer
In what way is the thanks which we give to Hashem on Chanukah different than that which we say every day of the year?
In this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller-Gotleib discusses the Holiday of Chanukah
Bringing the enthusiasm we experience during the High Holidays to every day – Part 2
Bringing the enthusiasm we experience during the High Holidays to every day – Part1
in this Torah class Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller-Gotleib discusses the beginning of the Fifth Perek in the book of Mishlei