
Shavuot: Naaseh V’Nishma

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This video is class of 58 in the series Greatest of Gifts: Sefirat HaOmer and Shavuot.

In this Torah shiur (class) in honor of Shavuot, Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg discusses three possible ways to understand the words ‘Naaseh V’Nishma’, the declaration made by the Jewish People as they accepted the Torah. Rabbi Ginsburg explains how these words can help each individual prepare for their personal Kabbalat HaTorah on Shavuot.


Perek 23, Part 4: Torah Study: The Ultimate Goal

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This video is class of 16 in the series Tehillim V.

In this Torah shiur (class) on Tehillim, Rabbi Avishai David continues his study of perek 23, the famous Mizmor L’David sung every Shabbos. In this class, Rabbi David discusses why specifically this Psalm is sung at meals, the Psalm’s emphasis on Torah study as the focus and ideal of every Jew, and the combination of din (judgment) and rachamim (mercy) in Hashem’s relationship to us.


Perek 136: Pinnacle of Thanksgiving

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This video is class of 18 in the series Tehillim VII.

In this Torah shiur (class) on Sefer Tehillim, Rabbi Avishai David explains Psalm 136 as the ultimate prayer of thanksgiving to Hashem. This unique perek lists many of the kindnesses Hashem does for the world, followed by the refrain ‘ki l’olam chasdo’, (for His Kindliness is Eternal).


Perek 23, Part 2: Total Reliance on G-d

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This video is class of 16 in the series Tehillim V.

In this Torah shiur (class) on Tehillim, Rabbi Avishai David continues with his analysis of Perek 23. He discusses the issue of balancing bitachon (reliance on Hashem) with the obligation for hishtadlus (expending effort in order to achieve a goal). In this class, Rabbi David relates this tension to the disagreement between R’ Yishmael and R’ Shimon bar Yochai, and shows how this perek reflects the experience of the Jews in the midbar (desert).


Two Purims

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This video is class of 41 in the series Purim Unmasked.

In this Torah shiur (class) on Purim, Rabbi Hershel Reichman teaches an essay by the Shem Mishmuel, which discusses the mystical reasons for the two separate Purim celebrations, on the fourteenth and fifteenth days of Adar.


Perek 23, Part 1: Mizmor L’David

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This video is class of 16 in the series Tehillim V.

This Torah shiur (class) on Tehillim by Rabbi Avishai David analyzes Psalm 23, known as ‘Mizmor l’David’. This mizmor is sung many times over Shabbat, and is famous for its themes of complete trust in Hashem’s goodness in every situation, and of the soul’s natural yearning for spirituality and connection with Hashem.