Perek 127, Part I
Posted onRabbi Avishai David shows the division of the mizmor into two segments, and examines the Radak that relates the mizmor to the Beit Hamikdash.
Rabbi Avishai David shows the division of the mizmor into two segments, and examines the Radak that relates the mizmor to the Beit Hamikdash.
Through an analysis of Tehillim Perek 19, Rabbi David explores man’s struggle to emulate nature’s service of God.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller talks about what we are mourning for on Tisha B’Av, and how to feel the tragedy of the Churban today.
In this guest lecture by Rabbi Ilan Segal of Afikei Torah Seminary in Jerusalem, Rabbi Segal explores Bein Hamitzarim as part of a pattern of three week time periods which recur in Nissan and Tishrei. For more information about Afikei Torah, go to
In this guest lecture in honor of the Three Weeks, Rabbi Ilan Segal of Afikei Torah Seminary of Jerusalem completes his overview of the period of mourning between the 17th day of Tammuz and Tisha B’av. For more information about Afikei Torah, go to
Mrs. Shira Smiles gives us a deeper understanding of Tisha B’Av, the day that we mourn the destruction of the two Batei Hamikdash, Holy Temples.
Mrs. Shira Smiles explores the message of the month of Av.
In analyzing our obligation of personal and communal mourning of the Churban (destruction of the Beit HaMikdash), Rabbi Avishai David gives us a legal and philosophical understanding of the Torah’s approach to mourning.
Following last week’s class, Rabbi Avishai David delves into the philosophical perspectives on mourning and consolation.
In this shiur (Torah class) on Tehillim, Rabbi Avishai David begins teaching the chapters which make up the prayer of Hallel. In this class, Rabbi David introduces various halachic aspects of Hallel, as well as discussing the content and emotions that accompany this song of thanksgiving.
In this Torah shiur (class) on Tehillim (Psalms), Rabbi Avishai David explains the themes of chapter 98. In this perek, the hope for the universal kingship of Hashem is realized, as the nations of the world recognize His sovereignty.
In this class, Rabbi Avishai David discusses The Haftarot of the seven weeks following the Ninth of Av as a poignant Torah message of hope and comfort to the Exiled Jewish Nation. Rabbi David gives an in-depth analysis of these portions of Navi.
Rabbi Avishai David begins his Tehillim class by exploring the mizmor associated with erev Shabbat, the eve of the Sabbath.
In this guest lecture, Rabbi Alexander Cohen of Shearim College of Jewish Studies for Women discusses the opportunity for gaining dveikut with Hashem during the Three Weeks.
In this Torah shiur (class) on the three weeks, Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg discusses a few different ideas relating to the time between the seventeenth of Tamuz, and the ninth of Av.
In this shiur (Torah class) Mrs. Shira Smiles speaks about the Shabbat before Tisha B’Av, known as Shabbat Chazon, and expounds on the nature of Shabbat Chazon and how it characterizes what the three weeks is about.
In this Torah class on the aftermath Tisha B’Av, Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller teaches the prophesies of Yishayahu Hanavi which describe the Redemption.
In this class (shiur) Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses the 3 weeks.
In this class (shiur) Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses the underlying message of the 3 weeks.
In this Torah shiur (class) on the Three Weeks, Mrs. Shira Smiles speaks about the concept of sinning doubly, getting punished doubly, and being comforted doubly.
In this Torah class (shiur) on the Three Weeks of mourning between the Seventeenth of Tammuz and the Ninth of Av, Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller explains the causes for the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash.
In this Torah shiur (class) on Tisha B’av, Mrs. Shira Smiles speaks about accessing the aveilut of the churban, when we are so distant from the reality of it. Mrs. Smiles also examines why the keruvim (the angelic figures above the aron) were facing eachother when the Beit Hamikdash was destroyed, when we know that keruvim faced each other when the Jewish People were doing Hashem’s will.
In this guest lecture on Tisha B’av, Mrs. Shoshie Nissenbaum explains the secret of redemption hidden within the destruction of Tisha B’av.
In this Torah shiur (class) on the Three Weeks, Mrs. Shira Smiles examines the issue of sinat chinam, one of the things that led to the churban, and how we can begin to rectify the sinat chinam.
Rabbi Eliezer Miller describes the unique inner joy that comes with this month.