Dramatic Disbelief
Posted onThe perplexing story of Yosef’s slavery and rise as it relates to building emunah in ourselves and our children.
The perplexing story of Yosef’s slavery and rise as it relates to building emunah in ourselves and our children.
What is the essence of the celebration of Chanuka?
Moshiach in the Parasha and Chanuka Thoughts
Story of Devorah
Why is Yaakov Avinu crying the first time he meets Rachael Emeinu
Rav Moshe Wolfson quoted
Why is Avraham Avinu ‘s crying for Sara limited? A lesson in how to live and how to die
Eating can connect you to Hashem. Understand the power of Food.
Be Kind . It makes Hashem live in this world. Bring Him down… This world counts and requires action! Appreciate Mitzvas!! 11:52 Lebovitz Bar Mitzvah Gets a call out! Get off the mountain, join the world and help people.
The War of the 4 and 5 Kings – Relationship of Women to Tefillin and Talis
Diversity and Distance – Story of the Tower of Bavel
Torah purifies you to your pre gan eden state!
Continues Al Cheit Series of previous years .
Rosh Hashana without the Shofar . How does it work?
Remarkable Roots
Ki Tavo
Trusting Hashem and Hashem finding our trust
gratuitous greatness – act with kindness and you will receive it
Let Hashem show his strength .
the gift of Shavuos
Vaaleh Vayavo , what does it do?
How do we take the journey of life by the choices we make.
Show Bread Ideas – the Lechem HaPanim
Why we eat apples on Shabbas Night
Explains Vehai behem
Good Eye from Mrs. Smiles
What does the Haggadah mean when it states that Yaakov went down to Egypt ‘forced by the speech’? An exploration of the power of speech as learned from this statement.
How can we understand the custom of dipping maror, the traditional bitter herbs, into charoset, a sweet mixture of apples, wine, and nuts?
This class explores the connection between Havdala and Purim, as expressed in the passuk from the megilla which is included in the weekly havdaa, “layehudim haysa orah v’simcha v’sasson viykar’, ‘and the Jews had light, joy, rejoicing, and honor’.