Ki Tavo Appreciation Attunement and Atrophy v
Posted onKi Tavo,,, This class is a classic . How do we relate to the favors people do for us? The favors Hashem does for us….
Ki Tavo,,, This class is a classic . How do we relate to the favors people do for us? The favors Hashem does for us….
Ki Tavo
Ki Teisei Returning the sheep and returning souls
Elul time to rebuild your heart and relationship to Hashem. Create the luchos ( tablets ) of your heart. This class will change your life FOREVER!
the three weeks
Shelach – Life is total Chesed. It is all Good. Hashem runs the world.
Timing is Everything. what is special about number 40.
How to give birth
Parasha Naso
Discover the depth of Shavuot and its focus on the Bikurim.
The interplay between the performance of mitzvot and the functioning of the world.
Tazria metzora
An intriguing journey into the power of the fire which came down as the Mishkan was inaugurated in Parshat Shemini.
An insightful overview of the symbolism and meaning of the egg traditionally placed on the Seder plate.
What is Wisdom of the Heart
Explanation of Shoshanas Yaakov
Why Torah say Take a donation instead of Give a donation.
3 levels for our Life.
Understanding the meaning behind the laws of separating milk and meat.
story of the Mann
How could Jews borrow things from Egypt if Jews didn’t have any thought to give the things back. Why is Egyptian called our friend?
1 Faith in Hashem , He runs the show and Faith in Yourself and you can do something. Be Proud 2 Life is Tailor Made . 3 Give it all to Hashem Mesirat Nefesh . Help others. give to others. Make the World better… It takes your blood to do that . Blood is your model.
Parasha Shemos
The unique traits of the tribes of Yosef and Yehuda, the two future kings of Israel.