Fiery Facets and Faces
Posted onAn exploration of the miracle of the oil on Chanuka.
An exploration of the miracle of the oil on Chanuka.
The relationship between Yaakov, Esav, and Yosef, based on the Midrash, and how this Midrash relates to Chanuka.
Mrs. Smiles discusses Yaakov’s decision to leave Charan.
What was the essence of Esav’s error in during the episode of his selling his birthright to Yaakov for a bowl of lentil soup?
Avowing Allegiance
Influencing , Indulging and Inculcating
Parshat Noach
Rebbetzin Shira Smiles teaches important lessons from Parshat Balak, specifically from the brachot/ blessings of Bilaam.
Source of Sustenance:
Song & Struggle
Honorable Humility
Behukosai class which is about Shavuos
Explains Yehuda’s marriage and the significance of the names of his sons.
Why is the recitation of Hallel split into two parts at the Seder?
Connection between Pesach and Avraham Avinu.
Understanding the monumental prayer of Aleinu L’shabai’ach recited in a unique fashion during the Yamim Noraim.
The immense opportunity of the month of Elul.
Yom Kippur
Shavuos Class