Children in the Holocaust
Posted onRabbi Hanoch Teller talks about the plight of women and children who suffered in the Holocaust.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller talks about the plight of women and children who suffered in the Holocaust.
Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer addresses the question: What do we mean by Principles of Faith if the entire Torah is Absolutely True?
Rebbetzin Heller provides a wrap-up and review of the entire semester of Principles of Faith.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller presents a discussion of issues of faith concerning the Holocaust.
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller explaining the Jewish belief in Moshiach and “Techiat Ha’Meitim”, resurrection of the dead.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller discusses the horrors and turmoil of ghetto life, and the Jewish spirit that rose above the adversity.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller discusses how even amongst the horrors of the Holocaust, the Jewish heart prevails.
Rebbetzin Heller discusses the special connection between the Jewish People and the Torah.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller talks about the retainment of human dignity amidst the planned degradation of the Jewish people.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller presents us with a taste of the tortuous halachic dilemmas raised during the Holocaust.
We learn in the Torah that Yaakov “took” the blessing from Yitzchak on the Seder night. Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses how, during this time, we need to tap into the tremendous blessings that are ready to be bestowed upon us by G-d and his accompanying angels. The Seder night is a time to daven, pray for our children and for future generations.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller speaks about how the strong Jewish spirit rose above the physical tribulations of the persecution during the Holocaust.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller contrasts the responses of the world to the Nazi persecutions with that of the uniquely Jewish responses.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller delves into the idea of courage on Chanukah.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller speaks about how the atmosphere in Europe worsened as the infamous Krystallnacht took place.
Rabbi Teller discusses the first steps in the Holocaust: the Nuremberg Laws, Anschluss, and world reactions.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller discusses the various factors that led the German people to support Hitler in prewar years.
Rabbi Teller attempts to explain the glaring question of why the world ignored Hitler’s rhetoric.
Based on the verses in the Book of Numbers, it seems as if the tribes of Reuben and Gad placed more importance on their livestock than their children. Through an in-depth analysis and exploration of the text as well as various commentaries, we will understand the mistake these tribes made, their true intentions, as well as the tremendous lessons that may be derived from this narrative regarding priorities in life.
Rabbi Teller discusses his course on the Holocaust as well as his teaching style.
Mrs. Smiles discusses Parshat Balak.
Mrs. Shira Smiles provides a description of the personality and legacy of Miriam within the Torah, and the deeper meaning of her lifetime connection to water.
Parshat Korach serves as a model for how we can behave properly and with the correct middos in life. This parsha also teaches us about the behavior of envy.
Mrs. Shira Smiles explores and develops the perplexing episode of the spies’ journey to Israel and the Jews’ subsequent sin and punishment. Mrs. Smiles explains how this episode ultimately teaches important life lessons to each of us.
From the beginning to the end of this Torah parsha, Parshat Beha’alotcha, Mrs. Shira Smiles weaves the theme of character development and refinement as a basis for success in Torah.
The fire, water, and desert that accompanied the Jews during their sojourn for forty years, symbolize deep lessons of devotion to G-d, passion for spirituality, and a willing to sacrifice oneself to fulfill G-d’s Will. We can incorporate these powerful lessons into our daily lives, to become more passionate, spiritually-focused people.
Mrs. Shira Smiles provides an inside look into Parshat Kedoshim.
Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses Parshat Vayakhel.
Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses Parshat Terumah, the parsha for the week. The shiur discusses several opposing views concerning exactly when the sin of the golden calf occurred in relationship to the command and implementation of the building of the Tabernacle. The differences of opinion regarding the chronology of these events reveals an essential perspective on life: preparing ourselves to become a sanctuary for G-d.
Mrs. Shira Smiles discusses the weekly parsha, Parshat Yitro. The experience of receiving the Torah forces one to recognize that the only option one is faced with in this world is serving their Creator. Possession of the Torah, the guidebook that directs our life, similar to a manual for a sophisticated machine, is a tremendous source of joy.