Parshat Korach
Posted onRabbi Hanoch Teller learns the narrative of Parshat Korach, with his inimitable humor and insight, beginning with the machloket (dispute) of Korach and his followers.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller learns the narrative of Parshat Korach, with his inimitable humor and insight, beginning with the machloket (dispute) of Korach and his followers.
Rabbi Moshe Nechemia Reichman discusses daf 12b in Maseches Brachos, reviews the machlokes (disagreement) in the Gemara regarding the proper way to conclude the bracha ‘ata kadosh’ during Aseret Yemei Teshuva.
Mrs. Yehudit Weiss explains Rashi’s discussion of hat’ama, accentuation of words. All words in Hebrew are either Mil’el or Mil’ra. The accent of a given word may change depending on its conjugation and its place in a phrase, and the meaning of a word can change due to its accentuation as well.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller outlines and illuminates the narrative of Parshat Shelach, beginning with the episode of the Meraglim (the Spies sent to Eretz Yisrael from the desert).
On Parshat Shlach, Mrs. Shira Smiles speaks about the Haftorah, and discusses the topic of Teshuva.
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller teaches chapter 8, which describes the third vision of Daniel. This vision also relates to the kingdoms who will dominate the Jewish People in exile, but here they are compared to domesticated animals. This comparison shows that the wars that they will fight against the Jewish People will be focused and directed. Rebbetzin Heller also explains why the times for redemption are written so vaguely.
Mrs. Chana Prero speaks about Moshe’s prayer to Hashem and his request that Hashem not punish the Jewish people.
On Parshat Beha’alotcha, Mrs. Shira Smiles focuses on the complaints of the dor hamidbar.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller reviews the basic storyline of the Parsha, along with selected insights into various sections.
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller reviews perek 7, which discusses Daniels prophesy of different animals, each representing a different kingdom that will dominate the world and subjugate the Jewish people. Rebbetzin Heller analyzes their ultimate defeat, and Hashem’s compassion leading to the destruction of all evil, and concludes with a discussion of the date of Mashiach’s arrival.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller reviews the basic storyline of the Parsha, along with selected insights into various sections.
Continuing daf 12A, Rabbi Moshe Nechemia Reichman continues his discussion dealing with uncertainties in making proper brachot, and the ruling of safeik brachot l’hakel (leniencies in regards to doubts in the halachot of brachot).
Mrs. Chana Prero discusses the episode of the Jews’ complaints about the Manna, and Moshe Rabbenu’s reaction to it.
On Parshat Naso, Mrs. Shira Smiles speaks about the repetitive nature of the description of the gifts that the nesi’im brought to the mishkan, and about the blessings that Yaakov Avinu gave his children.
Rabbi Moshe N. Reichman reviews the sugya (unit) on Daf 12A, which discusses a situation in which a person is holding a cup of wine, misidentifies it as beer, and begins to make the wrong bracha, but then switches to the correct bracha before he finishes (Pasach b’dishichra v’siyem bid’chama).
Mrs. Chana Prero discusses the nature of the Nazir, based on a thorough reading and explication of the basic commentaries.
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller finishes the story of Daniel in the lions’ den, emphasizing that his faith was the cause of the miracle. She then continues to the second half of Sefer Daniel, which is a prophesy for future exiles and the ultimate redemption.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller explicates the storyline of Parshat Bamidbar, including the counting of the Jewish people, the encampments, and the tasks of the Levites in carrying the Mishkan.
Mrs. Chana Prero discusses the tasks of the Levites in the Mishkan and in the Temple, and explains the connection between the Bechorim, the firstborns, and the Levi’im.
On Parsha Bamidbar, Mrs. Shira Smiles speaks about the pasuk that describes the job of El’azar in preparing the mishkan to be carried through the desert, and what one can learn from this in preparation for Shavuot.
Rabbi Moshe Nechemia Reichman discusses daf 12A, the halacha of one who began a bracha with the wrong intent and then corrects himself.
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller finishes chapter 4 and continues on to chapter 5, with the stories of the end of Nevuchadnetzar’s reign, the abrupt fall of Belshatzar, and the beginning of the story of Daniel in the lion’s den.
On parshiyot Behar and Bechukotai, Mrs. Shira Smiles points out that parshat Behar begins with the mitzvah of shemitah, and then discusses interpersonal relations specifically in the area of monetary help for individuals.
Mrs. Chana Prero delves into the blessings listed in this parsha.
Rabbi Moshe Nechemia Reichman analyzes the Gemara’s discussion as to why the practice of reading the Aseret Hadibrot during Kriat Shma was abolished.
Mrs. Chana Prero discusses the mitzvah of Peah, leaving a corner of one’s filed unharvested, to benefit the poor. The mitzvah is mentioned in the previous parsha as well. Mrs. Prero explains the root of this mitzva, and analyzes its repetition in the Chumash.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller presents an overview of Parshat Emor, specifically highlighting some of the major mitzvot discusses in the parsha.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller presents specific mitzvot from Parshat Achrei-Mot and Kedoshim.
On Parshat Acharei Mot and Kedoshim, Mrs. Shira Smiles speaks about how we are to understand and define what keduasha is.