Parshat Ki Tavo
Posted onRabbi Hanoch Teller discusses the storyline of Parshat Ki Tavo.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller discusses the storyline of Parshat Ki Tavo.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller relates the storyline of Parshat Va-etchanan, with selected insights and comments.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller relates the storyline of Parshat Devarim, with selected insights and comments.
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller reviews the entire story of the book of Daniel, and applies its lessons to our individual lives.
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller completes the sefer, with a description of the end of days and the fate of all segments of the Jewish people – tzadikkim, reshaim, maskilim, matzdikei harabim, etc.
On Parshat Pinchas, Mrs. Shira Smiles focuses on some of the basic questions to get a sense of what the story of Pinchas is about.
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller describes the Torah as the means in which all facets of life connect to Hashem. The Torah can even ‘enter the lion’s lair’ and redefine or conquer evil on its own turf.
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller describes the vision that Daniel had about various future wars, and connects it to their historical and modern parallels.
On Parshat Pinchas, Mrs. Shira Smiles focuses on some of the basic questions to get a sense of what the story of Pinchas is about.
Rabbi Moshe Nechemia Reichman discusses the daily obligation to remember Yetziat Mitzrayim vs. the unique mitzva of Sipur Yetziat Mitzrayim on the Seder night.
Mrs. Yehudit Weiss presents an overview of places which Rashi calls ‘mikrah mesoras’, where letters switch as a result of the rules of dikduk.
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller teaches the beginning of chapter 11. Rebbetzin Heller speaks of Hashem’s Providence in military and political events as being observable as they occur, and not only in retrospect.
Mrs. Yehudith Weiss explains the various pauses and stops found in the middle of pesukim, according to the laws of dikduk as found in Rashi’s commentary.
Rabbi Moshe Nechemia Reichman reviews the Gemara’s discussion of the obligation to pray for someone in distress.
On Parshat Chukat, Mrs. Shira Smiles speaks about the story of “mei meriva,” and presents three approaches of what went wrong, and the lessons we can take from it.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller reviews the narrative of the parsha, which describes the travels of the Jewish people throughout their 40 year sojourn in the desert.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller presents an overview of the storyline of the parsha, including Pinchas’ great reward and the description of the holiday services in the Temple.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller discusses the narrative of Parshat Balak, describing the failed efforts Bilam and Balak to curse the Jewish People, and the sin of Ba’al Pe’or.
Mrs. Chana Prero discusses the incident of Korach’s rebellion specifically G-d’s proving of the Leviites’ status.
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller teaches the prophesies of perek 10. In this chapter, Daniel receives predictions regarding the near-impossible nature of the galut of Greece. Daniel accepts this decree, and responds with silence and bitachon (trust in Hashem).
On Parshat Korach, Mrs. Shira Smiles analyzes Korach’s downfall, and how to balance positive jealousy.
Mrs. Yehudit Weiss explains Rashi’s overview of texts that are abbreviated, which he calls ‘mikra katzar’.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller reviews the storyline of the parsha including the red heifer and Moshe hitting the rock.
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses the impact of Torah on allowing one to achieve true connection with Hashem.
Rebbetzin Tzipora Heller teaches perek 9, which describes Daniel’s prophesy of a goat. Rebbetzin Heller explains how this prophesy corresponds to the challenges the Jewish people will need to face when they are subjugated by the nations of the West.
Mrs. Yehudit Weiss surveys Rashi’s discussion of the Hebrew letter ‘Hai’ at the beginning of a word, and how it affects the word’s meaning. This class focuses on ‘Hai Hashe’eilah’, ‘Hai Hayedi’a’, and ‘Hai Hamegama’.